Tsiter-Kontopoulou Grant for Students

Thanks to the Tsiter-Kontopoulou Fund, the Department is able to offer support for research-related expenses for students at all levels (BA, MA, Doctorate), such as research travel, on-site visits, summer schools / winterschools and conference attendance (with a paper presentation).

The maximum annual funding amount per person is €2,000, but the project should be implemented within 12 months of approval.
The eligible costs include: Travelling expenses, accommodation, meals, admissions, course and conference fees. 



All students currently registered at the University of Vienna who wish to pursue research or acquire further qualifications with regard to the study of Byzantine and Early Modern Greek culture, with particular emphasis on intellectual history in the widest sense, including the history of Orthodox Christianity.  


twice a year (closing dates 15th April and 15th November)

Required documents:

  • Completed and signed application form inkluding a letter of intent
  • letter of support by an academic instructor/thesis advisor, submitted directly (not by the applicant)


All documents must be submitted exclusively by e-mail to Ms Carola Korn (carola.korn@univie.ac.at).