Tsiter-Kontopoulou Short-Term Research Fellowship

Tsiter-Kontopoulou Short-Term Research Fellowship at the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, University of Vienna.

The Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of the University of Vienna, thanks to the generosity of the Tsiter-Kontopoulou Fund, invites applications for a Short-Term Research Fellowship to enable pre- and post-doctoral scholars to pursue research on Byzantine and early modern Greek culture, with particular emphasis on cultural and intellectual history in the widest sense, including the history of Orthodox Christianity.


The research stay typically lasts from two weeks to one month, scheduled between October 1st and June 30th.
Please consult the academic calendar of the University of Vienna here, and review the list of public holidays here when the University will be closed to better plan your visit.
During this time, the recipients of the fellowship are expected to give an informal lunch presentation of their current research.
The fellowship offers the reimbursement of travel expenses, accomodation, research materials, plus a daily allowance, for a maximum of 4.000 Euros total (to be reimbursed after the completion of the stay). You are expected to make your own arrangements.


This fellowship is intended to support young and early career scholars, i.e. from the final year of doctoral study to no more than eight years after the completion of the Ph.D.


your application for the fellowship should include:

  • A letter of motivation (approximately 600 words), including a description of the proposed research and a statement as to why you wish to conduct this research in Vienna
  • A provisional budget
  • Indication of preferred dates, if possible mention multiple dates
  • A curriculum vitae
  • A list of publications
  • Doctoral students should also include a short recommendation letter (max. 1 page) from their adviser


Please make sure all files include your last name.

Carola Korn (carola.korn@univie.ac.at) will assist you with any further queries.